Oral cancer is a devastating event in anyone’s life. As such, we are committed to doing everything possible to educate our patients about any contributing risk factors and to provide early detection. Early detection SIGNIFICANTLY increases a favorable outcome.
Dr. Duke performs a manual oral cancer screening on every patient at each periodic or comprehensive exam at no additional charge. Additionally, Shalae (the Registered Dental Hygienist) will perform one on each patient seen.
If requested, or if a suspicious area is identified, the Identafi 3000 Ultra can be utilized to give further information for a nominal fee.
We are committed to providing our patients with the most up to date and advanced diagnosis and prevention possible. Below are a few comments from the Identafi website:
“Deadly – and strangely silent in our society – Oral Cancer is growing at an alarming rate – over 11% in 2007 the United States alone.
The five-year mortality rate of Oral Cancer is higher than Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cervical, thyroid and skin (malignant melanoma) cancers, and kills one person every hour of every day.
Why are we not speaking about it?
Why are we not screening for it at every visit?
Why are we not detecting it earlier – when the cure rates are 80-90 percent?
Because the signs and symptoms of oral cancer are often missed by the naked eye.
Trimira’s Identafi 3000 ultra with its Identafi technology allows those on the front line of detection to do just that – identify biochemical and morphological changes in cells of the mouth, throat, tongue and tonsils.
Dentists, Hygienists, Periodontists, Oral Surgeons, Primary Care Physicians and Otolaryngologists now have the technology to detect oral cancer earlier and save lives, thanks to the Identafi 3000 ultra.”