Keep Your Breath Fresh


Hello, dear reader, and welcome back to our blog! Here at Bitterroot Dental, we feel that most Missoula area residents can agree that bad breath is something that no one enjoys. Whether you are the person with bad breath or you are a person who is having to deal with someone who has bad breath, the experience is never a pleasant one. In our previous post, we went over some of the causes of halitosis, also referred to as chronic bad breath, and, in today’s post, we are going to continue where we left off last time. Bad breath, while not dangerous in and of itself, can be an indication that something is wrong with a person’s oral hygiene. Paying attention to warning signs such as this is one of the best ways to make sure that your mouth is as healthy as possible.


Don’t Ignore Bad Breath, It Could Mean Something


While occasional bad breath is something that every person has to deal with, chronic bad breath could be an indication that something else is going on in the mouth. Naturally, our mouths are supposed to self-clean after each meal. This greatly reduces the amount of bacteria in the mouth and keeps our breath relatively fresh. If this isn’t happening, something could be very wrong. However, reduced saliva flow is not the only cause of chronic bad breath. Below, we have listed a few more of the most common causes of halitosis.



  • Tobacco: One of the leading causes of halitosis in the United States is the use of tobacco products such as cigarettes or chewing tobacco. Cigarettes, in addition to causing dry mouth, exposes the inside of the mouth to smoke. This can cause damage to the surrounding mucous membranes and, when done with regularity, causes the amount of bacteria in the mouth to skyrocket. As we learned in the previous blog, the more bacteria there is in the mouth, the more likely it is that chronic bad breath will develop. Chewing tobacco works in much the same way as cigarettes do, however, chronic chewing tobacco use has been shown to be even more detrimental to the mucous membranes of the mouth because they are the primary means by which the nicotine is introduced to the bloodstream.
  • Infections of the Mouth: If a person is suffering from an infection in the mouth, such as gingivitis, a tooth abscess, or periodontal disease, the chances that they will develop halitosis go up tremendously. This is one of those instances where, if a person doesn’t realize they are suffering from an infection, halitosis could be a symptom of a bigger issue rather than the main problem itself. If you have chronic bad breath and cannot determine the cause, visit us at Bitterroot Dental and lets us make sure that you are not suffering from an unknown infection.



We hope that this short blog series has been informative and that you understand a little more about some of the most common causes of chronic bad breath. If you would like to learn more about halitosis, what it is, and how to treat it, please schedule an appointment with one of our dentists today. We have been serving Missoula area residents for years and we are certain that we can handle any dental issues that you may be experiencing. Don’t let your oral health go unchecked, contact us today, schedule an appointment, and let us help you make sure that your mouth is as healthy as possible.